Part 26: Mission #24: Misery, or To Live and Die in Taiwan
Mission #24: Misery, or To Live and Die in TaiwanBefore we get to the action, Ryogo gets an email!
Ms. Hasegawa posted:
You're caught in a jam. Please
honestly tell me what
happened. Maybe I can help you.
I'm sure the police will understand, too!
Now, Ryogo has a choice of emails. He can choose to cut her off, or...
Ryogo posted:
Hold on!
We're not involved in
Just chill out and
wait for us to return.
And, Miho gets an email as well.
Kinkakuji posted:
No. 0124
Armored Kinkakuji 2112
Newsletter No. 0124
On the seduction of
government web sites.
(Continued from last issue)
We spenders tend to think
information in public
domain is ours for the
Take this Department of Public
Safety web site for example.
It demands a password
as soon as you enter
the site. This is
quite appealing for
hackers like us.
Rather than a friendly
welcome like that of the
Japanese Police web site,
a site that flaunts
secrecy poses much more of
a challenge.
The Department of Public
Safety in Japan gathers
information from all
over the world.
No hacker in his or
her right mind will
leave such a valuable
database alone.
It's worth it just
to see the information.
We dare these web
sites to keep
challenging us.
Reader service!
The Department of Public
Safety password for
internal information: "0CU"
For USN info: "U2N"
Passwords change constantly.
They might already have
Off to Taiwan! In the future, Taiwan and China have been united, so, theoretically, we're safe.
Or, in the alternative, he had a good run.
Yeah, either that or he doesn't want to spend forty more missions hanging around Kazuki and Pham and would prefer the sweet release of death.
Well, we were safe, now, by law of dramatic irony, we're doomed.
Yeah! How could Alisa's sister be responsible for making a horrific weapon that Alisa herself helped to reproduce?
I don't suppose we're getting an outside view of the plane to see it successfully land, are we?
This could be a problem.
Our party is not having the best luck of late.
It's got to be awful to be Liu. You're standing on a burning airplane about to smash into the ground, trying to save everyone from being pulverized in the crash, and this is what he has to deal with.
There is no situation so grave that jetpacks cannot save it.
It'll take a bit more than anti-aircraft missiles to take Kazuki down!
Oh, come on, believe me, these wanzers are worth nothing! Not even as scrap!
Well, we have needed another army to fight after the whole Philippine thing fizzled out.
And this where things go terribly, terribly wrong. You see, the Hua Lian units are a step up from the wanzers we were fighting in the Philippines. Which is a problem, because I'm still using the same designs as before, and, it must be said, a lot of those designs were not so good. We have to contend with two Grapples, a few Reksons, and, worst of all, a four-legged wanzer armed with a grenade launcher. Even worse, the terrain makes it hard to hit with anything other than melee weapons and missiles. My first attempt involved Liu, Ryogo, Alisa and Pham, with the thought that I could keep the enemy at arms length and slowly wear them down.
Except they slowly wear me down instead. Even with 12 missiles, Alisa eventually runs out. The other party members get ripped apart by the Grapples, and, well, it comes down to Alisa desperately trying to punch the grenade-launching wanzer to death before it levels her. She fails.
Take #2! I take Kazuki, Alisa, Pham and Miho. That's about the sturdiest group I can assemble at the moment. Not much range between them, and Miho still can't do any damage with her missiles, but I figure if I can just destroy that damned grenade launcher, I might be able to take down the rest of the wanzers eventually.
It doesn't work. Kazuki takes two quick rifle hits to the body and only makes it to turn 4 before a Grapple demolishes him. Miho eventually succumbs trying to screen Alisa from the Grapples, and Alisa follows soon after. It's up to Pham, who manages to kill both Grapples, but then gets picked apart by the massed rifles of the Reksons. Crap.
Take #3: Kazuki, Ryogo, Miho and Pham. No fucking around. The Grapples are the real threat. Letting myself get distracted by the grenade launcher and the rifle wanzers is what got me killed last time.
Turns out I should have been at least a little distracted by the grenade launcher. Fuck.
Okay, enough fucking around. This is my fourth try, and the first one to actually work. Before, I'd been trying to use a sound strategy, which assumed that I had sound wanzers to execute my plans. Obviously, these kind of suck. I choose Kazuki, Ryogo, Alisa and Miho. Alisa and Miho will launch missiles at the grenade launcher until it is very, very dead. Kazuki is going to make sure the Grapples aren't able to kill Alisa and Miho. Ryogo is going to act as a decoy, tying up the rifle wanzers until I'm ready for them.
But, before I execute that plan, I need to take care of the named character. According to the game, his name is Hatta. I don't care, except his stats are slightly too high for my liking, so I lob a couple of missile his way. That blows off his rifle arm, making him a non-factor.
Now, then, it's time to blast this fucker back into the stone age. Over four tries, it feels like this guy launched roughly twenty billion grenades at my troops.
And then I start taking care of all of the other wanzers
The Berzuki does its best to make its swan song memorable.
The Berzuki will hold the line!
Almost done. Let's finish this!
Ryogo's spent the entire mission flanking the enemies rifle wanzers and distracting them from Miho and Alisa. He's done a fine job. He also finished off Hatta, who had something to say.
Not the most exciting job, but definitely necessary.
At this point, the Hua Lian are down to their last Grapple. Miho promptly get taken out. Fuck.
But I've still got three wanzers left, and that's more than the a single Grapple can bear.
Finally. Ryogo gets MVP for being the wanzer who made me the least furious over the course of my multiple tries at this mission.
Holy fuck, Kazuki, do you not pay any attention at all?
What are you talking about? This isn't news! We've known this since about fifteen minutes into the fucking game! Remember? We were hunted throughout Japan? And we kept running into that USN squadron?
Next Time: Kazuki vs. Purple Haze III: The Final Bloodening!